【平衡优化】Hero Fighter Equilibrium v1 下载版
Hello, I just noticed the English part of the change log. Is this the complete change log from original HF to HFE? If so, why is the Chinese change log different?

O n L y 提到:Reduced SP consumption of all characters' jumps and dashes

Increased MP consumption of Uppercut

Reduced MP consumption of Shoulder Charge and Mach Punch
Increased MP consumption of Grapple Run
Reduced the damage of Hurricane Spin

500 HP (same as other characters)
SP increased
2 arrows to breakguard, added knockback effect, increased durability
Reduced MP consumption of G↑A

SP increased

HP Reduced
Changed to Daggerman's daggers
Increased MP consumption of Boomerang, which has no breakguard effect

Taylor replaced with Blue Lucas
Increased moving speed
Reduced the breakguard of Uppercut

Damage increased
3 normal attacks to breakguard
Strengthen his ability to breakguard
Increased MP consumption of Whip Storm
Now you can use G→J while rolling

Increased the range of Crush Strike

SP increased
Increased MP consumption of G→J
Reduced the breakguard of Uppercut
Swordsman Eason
Damage reduced

SP increased
Increased MP consumption of G→A
Reduced MP consumption of G→J
Input G↓J to create an unfollowing magic shield
Max number of shields set to 1

HP increased
SP increased
Reduced MP consumption
Increased the breakguard of Air Strike

Reduced MP consumption of Cudgel Bash and Whirlstick
Increased the damage of Cudgel Bash and Dash Attack
Add a push wind after dash attack
Now you can use G→J while rolling

Increased MP consumption of Flesh Cannonball
Reduced MP consumption of Thousand Swings
Reduced the damage of Flesh Cannonball

Shortened the throw distance of Ice ball, which is not reboundable
Reduced MP consumption

Damage reduced
Reduced MP consumption of G→J and G↑J
Special moves don’t consume HP
Reduced ground fire duration
SP Reduced

Increased moving speed
Reduced MP consumption
Can turn around while using Lightning
Now you can use G→A and G→J while rolling

Azrael and Yaga are released
[图: random.php?pic=random]
The meaning of life is to give life a meaning.
Stop existing. Start living.


RE: 【平衡优化】Hero Fighter Equilibrium v0.7.5 下载版 - by MangaD - 2020-05-18 22:00


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