Hero Fighter X - Android 11, Full Version, Referral Codes and Modding
(2021-02-19 02:08)MangaD 提到: Hello Mr. Anon,

I had a break from school until yesterday, which I used to further develop HF Workshop. HF Workshop can now edit older versions of HF. Yesterday I successfully accomplished the goal I had set: HFW can now edit HFX data. However, I cannot release a new version of HFW yet, because there are a few things that I'd like to get done first:

  1. Repackage APK: Currently, HFW can edit HFX SWF file. However, it cannot replace the SWF file in the APK (and doing this is not trivial, because it requires re-signing the APK).
  2. Remake HF v0.7 (and below) data edition: The C++ code I had made for editing PC version is not very polished. I would like to remake it. This will also change the format of the JSON files.
  3. Optimize PNGs automatically: I would like to see if I can make HFW optimize the PNGs automatically (when replacing), for a smaller file size.
  4. Fix bug when editing downloadable version SWF: Currently, HFW will corrupt this SWF when exporting. I must find out why.
  5. Replace Readline library: The C++ library that I am using for auto-completing file names has a license that is problematic for me. I would like to find a good alternative to it.
  6. Testing & Optimizations.
I don't expect to release a new version of HFW until summer, because I will be very busy with MSc thesis now.

[图: unknown.png]

PS: I'd like to make a GUI for HFW, but this will only be in 2022 or later.

[图: unknown.png]Okay.looking forward to the access of new version of hfw.Good luck to you
Lost Occultism ~ ロストの秘術師
[图: 602e449f1cf8a.jpg]

RE: Hero Fighter X - Android 11, Full Version, Referral Codes and Modding - by 森島鈴子 - 2021-02-19 10:52


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