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HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - 可打印的版本

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HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - MangaD - 2020-05-18

HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志?

RE: HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - 不饿白帝BEBD - 2020-05-18

HFE BD skin 内容与同版本的HFE 相同,仅仅是增加皮肤而已

RE: HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - MangaD - 2020-05-19

但是,如果我使用BD Skin和正常的HFE播放,它将在网络模式下出现同步错误?

RE: HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - O n L y - 2020-05-20

(2020-05-19 00:17)MangaD 提到: 但是,如果我使用BD Skin和正常的HFE播放,它将在网络模式下出现同步错误?
There will be no sync problem, since different skins do not cause any substantial difference in gaming.

RE: HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - MangaD - 2020-05-20

(2020-05-20 08:40)O n L y 提到: There will be no sync problem, since different skins do not cause any substantial difference in gaming.

I have noticed that BD Skin has more teams though, won't this cause any problems?

RE: HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - O n L y - 2020-05-20

(2020-05-20 21:45)MangaD 提到: I have noticed that BD Skin has more teams though, won't this cause any problems?
As long as you don't select the 5th team or above xD

RE: HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - 不饿白帝BEBD - 2020-05-21

(2020-05-20 23:38)O n L y 提到: As long as you don't select the 5th team or above xD
Group 5 and above will only have room problems in Shanghai, no room problems in any other area

RE: HFE BD Skin是否有更改日志? - MangaD - 2020-05-21

Thank you BEBD! I made a thread for your mod in the English forum.